
Star Wars
Packaging Renders


Cinema 4D, Lighting, Compositing

The Problem

Sphero created robotic replicas of the famous droids using their patented technology. The issue for them was that the turnaround time for production was so fast that they had no final production-ready products to use for photography so they needed to lean hard on 3D skills to bring the products to life on the packaging. An additional hurdle was to get the team at Disney to approve all images which was not an easy task.

The Result

I worked with CAD models from their product team and converted them to C4D friendly models that I could texture and model. Once that tough task was completed, I worked the packaging designer to bring his vision to life. I was given a rough map of all the content to be laid out on the box and I was to create compositions for the droids to be displayed front and centered. Within 2 weeks I developed 3D renders for 3 droids to be printed on thousands of boxes ready to be shipped to fans all over the world.

Product Photography


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